According to a recent report of the Inner Mongolia TV (NMTV) Mongolian Service, Mongolian villagers of eastern Southern (Inner) Mongolia's Horchin Left-wing Rare Banner have clashed with the Chinese farmers who have illegally occupied and cultivated their land. A Mongolian villager was beaten to death, and several others were arrested and sent to jail for reclaiming their land from occupiers.
“根据最近内蒙古蒙语TV,科尔沁左翼后期蒙古村民与非法占用他们土地的Chinese农民发生冲突。因为要求归还被占用土地,一个蒙古村民被打死,另外几个被抓进监狱。” 如果真的是这样,与其进监狱,不如多杀些人被枪毙!