在英国剑桥大学人类学系执教的美籍内蒙古鄂尔多斯出身的蒙古族学者宝力格(Uradyn E. Bulag)教授,最近在美国夏威夷召开的以“国际亚洲研究七十年”为主题的“国际亚洲研究学者联合大会”(International Convention of Asia Scholars)上,其新出版的《协作式的民族主义:中国蒙古边疆的友情政治》得到学术界一致好评,荣获2011年度国际亚洲研究著作奖。该书2010年由美国著名的学术出版公司Rowman & Littlefield Publishers推出后,因视角新颖、观点独到、论证有力而广获学界好评;此次获得国际学术大奖,也算是早在同行学者们意料之中的事。

Collaborative Nationalism: The Politics of Friendship on China's Mongolian Frontier
Author: Uradyn E. Bulag
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Published: 2010
Price(s): $79.00
Cosmopolitanism and friendship have become key themes for understanding ethnicity and nationalism. In this deeply original study of the Mongols, leading scholar Uradyn E. Bulag draws on these themes to develop a new concept he terms "collaborative nationalism." He uses this concept to explore the paradoxical dilemma of minorities in China as they fight not against being excluded but against being embraced too tightly in the bonds of "friendship." Going beyond traditional binary relationships, he offers a unique triangular perspective that illuminates the complexity of regional interaction.
Thus, Collaborative Nationalism traces the regional and global significance of the Mongols in the fierce competition among China, Japan, Mongolia, and Russia to appropriate the Mongol heritage to buttress their own national identities. The book considers a rich array of case studies that range from Chinggis Khan to reincarnate lamas, from cadres to minority revolutionary history, and from building the Mongolian working class to interethnic adoption. So-called friendship and collaboration permeate all of these arenas, but Bulag digs below the surface to focus on the animosity and conflicts they both generate and mask. Weighing the options the Mongols face, he argues that the ethnopolitical is not so much about identity as it is about the capacity of an ethnic group to decide and organize its own vision of itself, both within its community and in relation to other groups. Nationalism, he contends, is collaborative at the same time that it is predicated on the pursuit of sovereignty.
宝力格教授该书在国际亚洲学者联合大会(ICAS)上获得学术著作奖的获奖评语,可详见ICAS官网 (http://www.icassecretariat.org/icas-book-prize-2011-winners)的报道——
IBP 2011 Social Sciences winner
Uradyn E. Bulag, Collaborative Nationalism. The Politics of Friendship on China’s Mongolian Frontier (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010)
The history of Inner Asia has been shaped by the tripartite interaction of China, Tibet, and Mongolia, and in the light of modern Chinese state policies towards its “minority groups” Collaborative Nationalism is concerned with ‘reconsidering the question of the political in ethnopolitics.’ China’s nationalising project is aimed at a collaborative nationalism, and this work is essentially an examination of the politics of friendship. Central to this are the competing visions of Chinggis Khan, whose achievements have been contested and appropriated to serve the interests of different regions and ethnic groups. Bulag examines these issues in a stimulating, even impassioned exploration of the levels of friendship and association between ethnic groups, centralising Mongolia in Inner Asian history and advancing the concept of “collaborative nationalism” as a device through which to understand the actualities of inter-ethnic relationships. We are pleased to award the ICAS Book Prize 2011 to Uradyn Bulag for his highly original work, well grounded in both Asian and European sources, which will inspire students and specialists alike to rethink approaches to the region and to the analysis of national identities.关于本书的目录、内容、书评、订购等方面的信息,可详见Rowman & Littlefield 出版公司网站以下网址的介绍: http://www.rowmanlittlefield.com/Catalog/Singlebook.shtml?command=Search&db=^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=1442204311
Author: Uradyn E. Bulag
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Published: 2010
Price(s): $79.00
Cosmopolitanism and friendship have become key themes for understanding ethnicity and nationalism. In this deeply original study of the Mongols, leading scholar Uradyn E. Bulag draws on these themes to develop a new concept he terms "collaborative nationalism." He uses this concept to explore the paradoxical dilemma of minorities in China as they fight not against being excluded but against being embraced too tightly in the bonds of "friendship." Going beyond traditional binary relationships, he offers a unique triangular perspective that illuminates the complexity of regional interaction.
Thus, Collaborative Nationalism traces the regional and global significance of the Mongols in the fierce competition among China, Japan, Mongolia, and Russia to appropriate the Mongol heritage to buttress their own national identities. The book considers a rich array of case studies that range from Chinggis Khan to reincarnate lamas, from cadres to minority revolutionary history, and from building the Mongolian working class to interethnic adoption. So-called friendship and collaboration permeate all of these arenas, but Bulag digs below the surface to focus on the animosity and conflicts they both generate and mask. Weighing the options the Mongols face, he argues that the ethnopolitical is not so much about identity as it is about the capacity of an ethnic group to decide and organize its own vision of itself, both within its community and in relation to other groups. Nationalism, he contends, is collaborative at the same time that it is predicated on the pursuit of sovereignty.
宝力格教授该书在国际亚洲学者联合大会(ICAS)上获得学术著作奖的获奖评语,可详见ICAS官网 (http://www.icassecretariat.org/icas-book-prize-2011-winners)的报道——
IBP 2011 Social Sciences winner
Uradyn E. Bulag, Collaborative Nationalism. The Politics of Friendship on China’s Mongolian Frontier (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010)
The history of Inner Asia has been shaped by the tripartite interaction of China, Tibet, and Mongolia, and in the light of modern Chinese state policies towards its “minority groups” Collaborative Nationalism is concerned with ‘reconsidering the question of the political in ethnopolitics.’ China’s nationalising project is aimed at a collaborative nationalism, and this work is essentially an examination of the politics of friendship. Central to this are the competing visions of Chinggis Khan, whose achievements have been contested and appropriated to serve the interests of different regions and ethnic groups. Bulag examines these issues in a stimulating, even impassioned exploration of the levels of friendship and association between ethnic groups, centralising Mongolia in Inner Asian history and advancing the concept of “collaborative nationalism” as a device through which to understand the actualities of inter-ethnic relationships. We are pleased to award the ICAS Book Prize 2011 to Uradyn Bulag for his highly original work, well grounded in both Asian and European sources, which will inspire students and specialists alike to rethink approaches to the region and to the analysis of national identities.关于本书的目录、内容、书评、订购等方面的信息,可详见Rowman & Littlefield 出版公司网站以下网址的介绍: http://www.rowmanlittlefield.com/Catalog/Singlebook.shtml?command=Search&db=^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=1442204311
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