
蒙古发现200年前和尚木乃伊 仍成打坐姿态

A mummified monk found preserved in Mongolia last week has been baffling and astounding those who uncovered him。上周在蒙古国人们发掘了一具贮藏已久的僧侣木乃伊。它让发现它的人们不解其道,又惊又骇。
Senior Buddhists say the monk, found sitting in the lotus position, is in a deep meditative trance and not dead。资深佛学家称,人们发现这句木乃伊时,它端坐在莲台中,一副沉思入迷的样子,而且它还活着。

Forensic examinations are under way on the remains, found wrapped in cattle skins in north-central Mongolia。这具木乃伊是在蒙古国的中北部地区发现的,全身包裹着牛皮。人们正在对它进行法医鉴定。

Scientists have yet to determine how the monk is so well preserved, though some think Mongolia's cold weather could be the reason。科学家们有待确证这具僧侣木乃伊保存如此完好的真正原因,一些人认为这是蒙古国的极寒气候所致。

But Dr Barry Kerzin, a physician to Tibetan spiritual leader, said that the monk was in a rare state of meditation called "tukdam"。一位医师巴里·克森说这位僧侣正处于一种特殊的冥想状态中,这种状态被称为"图当"。

"If the meditator can continue to stay in this meditative state, he can become a Buddha," Dr Kerzin said。巴里·克森医生称,“如果这位沉思者能一直保持这种沉思的状态,他就能成佛。”

  The monk was discovered after being stolen by a man hoping to sell him on the black market。这位僧侣是在被盗贼窃走,险些在黑市上出售之时被人们发现的。

Mongolian police have arrested the culprit and the monk is now being guarded at the National Centre of Forensic Expertise。蒙古警方已经将窃贼逮捕,这位僧侣如今被安置在国家司法鉴定中心严加守卫。

The identity of the monk is unclear, though there is speculation that he is the teacher of Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov, who was also found mummified。这位僧侣的身份尚待确实,不过据初步推测,他可能是著名的依提基诺夫的师父。后者被发现时也已经被制作成了木乃伊。

In 1927, Itigilov - from neighbouring Buryatia in the then Soviet Union - supposedly told his students he was going to die and that they should exhume his body in 30 years。据称,依提基诺夫来自于蒙古毗邻的布里亚提亚国(后并入苏联)。在1927年的时候,他对众弟子说自己即将死去,并且让弟子们在他过世30年后把他的尸体掘出来。

The monk sat in the lotus position, began meditating and died。然后,这位僧侣以莲花坐姿坐在莲台上,开始冥想,随即去世。

When he was dug up, legend has it that his body was still preserved。传说,当人们挖掘出他的尸体的时候,他的尸体还完好无损。

Fearing interference by the Soviet authorities, his followers reburied him and he remained at rest until 2002 when he was again dug up to great fanfare and found still well preserved。他的弟子们担心苏联官方会来干涉此事,就重又将其下葬入土,直至2002年才又重建天日。这次重新出土,他的尸体依然完好无损,引起了世人的轰动。

The monk was then placed in a Buddhist temple to be worshipped for eternity。随后人们将这位僧侣的尸体转移到了佛庙中,供世人永世膜拜。

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