

以前也粗略了解过Red Flag-Alaska,今天看到个报道好奇怪,所以又上网挖了些材料。

美国的红旗-阿拉斯加军演在阿拉斯加的Eielson 和 Elmendorf 空军基地举行 一年四次一般持续约10天


红旗-阿拉斯加军演原本是美国太平洋空军力量的演训,最早为在菲律宾克拉克空军基地的 COPE THUNDER演习(对抗雷,也有作合作对抗雷或对抗威胁等说法),但随着1991年6月15日菲律宾吕宋岛品纳土玻火山(Mount Pinatubo)爆发导致演习缩水和美菲协议,92年改至现址演习。2006年改名为红旗-阿拉斯加演习。


一般参演机型包括F-15, F-16, F/A-18, EA-6B, OA-10, A-10, C-130, KC-130, KC-135, KC-10, E-3C, HC-130和各种直升机以及英国的狂风、猎迷反潜巡逻机,VC-10空中加油机、美洲虎攻击机。

以下是演习一般过程:RED FLAG-Alaska participants are organized into "Red" defensive forces and "Blue" offensive forces. "White" forces represent the neutral controlling agency. The defensive force includes ground-control intercept and surface air defense forces to simulate threats posed by potentially hostile nations. These forces generally employ defensive counter-air tactics directed by ground-control intercept sites. Range threat emitters - electronic devices which send out signals simulating anti-aircraft artillery and surface-to-air missile launches - provide valuable surface-to-air training and are operated by a civilian contractor as directed by 353d Combat Training Squadron technicians. The offensive force includes the full spectrum of U.S. and allied tactical and support units. Because the defensive and offensive forces meet in a simulated hostile, non-cooperative training environment, the job of controlling the mock war and ensuring safety falls to the White neutral force.

On an average, more than 700 people and up to 60 aircraft deploy to Eielson, and an additional 500 people and 40 aircraft deploy to Elmendorf Air Force Base, for each RED FLAG-Alaska exercise. Most participating RED FLAG-Alaska units arrive a week prior to the actual exercise. During that time, aircrews may fly one or two range orientation flights, make physical and mental preparations, hone up on local flying restrictions, receive local safety and survival briefings, and work on developing orientation plans.

During the two-week employment phase of the exercise, aircrews are subjected to every conceivable combat threat. Scenarios are shaped to meet each exercise's specific training objectives. All units are involved in the development of exercise training objectives. At the height of the exercise, up to 70 jet fighters can be operating in the same airspace at one time. Typically, RED FLAG-Alaska conducts two combat missions each day.

All RED FLAG-Alaska exercises take place over Alaskan and Western Canadian airspace. The entire airspace is made up of 17 permanent military operations areas and high altitude training areas, plus two restricted areas, for a total airspace of more than 67,000 square miles.

Aircrews aren't the only ones who benefit from the RED FLAG-Alaska experience. Exercises provide an operations training environment for participants such as unit-level intelligence experts, maintenance crews, and command and control elements.

By providing generic scenarios using common worldwide threats and simulated combat conditions, RED FLAG-Alaska gives everyone an opportunity to make the tough calls combat often requires.

今天新闻关注的是蒙古的参演:“蒙古首次派遣部队参加美国红旗空地联合军演”。但从上述内容看,蒙古之前至少作为观察员已不是第一次了。某报道又信口开河“一年一度”,现在是7月,我们看看这个:“美国空军2007年2月15日报道 F-22“猛禽”在2月3日开始的“红旗”演习中表现突出,其他现役战斗机所欠缺的隐身能力、超声速巡航能力以及其他能力都得到了充分的体现。”

